Sunday, 28 November 2010

We're following the heat round the house.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Sorting out, the other day, I got to a suitcase with notebooks. They were notebooks from about five or six years ago when I 'went back to college'. Upstairs, I have a plan chest full of 'stuff' also from five or six years ago. Both of them have a big imaginary label marked in bold felt-tip - UNRESOLVED. For that time they've been occupying space as furniture, surfaces and decoration, but now they are containers, and I am sorting them out.

The timing isn't down to chance. For the last few weeks I've been umming and ahhing about this blog. Writing posts, not publishing them. Too baby? Too middle-aged? Too homely? Too touristy? Too light? Too heavy? Too tidy? Too messy? Too nicey? Too nasty? Choosing photos, then having a mass cull at the last minute. It all felt un-nervingly familiar. Right back to being a student with a portfolio to get together and a 'crit' to prepare for. That time I chugged to a halt and then stopped.

Amongst the notebooks and cuttings I found some quotes which have stuck in my mind. In an article on creativity called 'What's the Big Idea?' computer game creator, Peter Molyneux said, "I really believe the only difference between a creative person and the non-creative person is that creative people tend not to have that little voice in their head saying, 'That's not going to work, that's a stupid idea."

It made me realise that my 'inner critic' was busy at work again, sitting on my shoulder dissing my New Post analogue box and tutting when I clicked the Choose button. So I took some photos and read a bit more and now here I am, looking at my New Post analogue box. What to do?



Friday, 19 November 2010

The warmest room in the house.

An amazing Tilt/Shift effect in action - Coachella (Thanks Paul)

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Been thinking about blog posts - but not doing them. So here's to a new 'bus style' week!

The boiler's still out of action, so we've taken the bold (crazy?) decision to replace it rather than repair it. It was an anthracite boiler and we're looking to put in a wood-burner. There's no gas mains to the village and we're trying to avoid oil, so it feels like a good option {living in a city might work too : )}
The upside? - I can go all gooey-eyed over wool.

Scarf by me.

Complicated patterned cardigan and lengthy, shaped, all-in-one by Jon's Mum (thanks again - they're lovely!)

Saturday, 13 November 2010

What boiler?

Everyone's out

Photography article in the paper.

(What you can't see:- the boiler's broken, didn't let the dog out early enough, no milk - ho hum)

Friday, 12 November 2010

Catch - up

Early signs of a coffee habit

This landscape was on the back of another picture, inside a second hand frame

Jamie's One Minute Berry Ice Cream

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Experimenting with the TiltShift Generator App

- Back of Tate Modern (from the Blue Fin building)

- From the Empire State Building

- Westminster Academy's playground

- Jon, Isaac and Nathaniel (I took the photos, Isaac added the effects)

He'll be on the move soon - not much time to sort the floors out.

Not sure whether it's his phase or my phase, but I seem to be taking a lot of mid range shots these days. (Maybe it's got more to do with the fact that he can't eat the camera from that distance!)

I'd seen the TiltShift Effect here, but apparently iphone has an app! Found via Fine Little Day